1st blog of the 2011

Hello! Hello ya’ll!

This is my first blog of the year and I’m feeling positive vibes that 2011 will be a good year for our family and especially for Lucas.  2010 has brought us a roller coaster of craziness and let’s not forget the blessings and happiness in between.  I have already recapped 2010 and you can read it HERE.

We celebrated the beginning of the year with mama’s familiar faces in good ole east coast. Despite us being snowed in for 3 days, it was great to be home. There’s always something about bringing LJ [FYI i will be referring to my little man as LJ] to my birthplace because so much comes out of him when we’ve visited there. This time around..hmmm let’s see.

He’s talking a lot spontaneously now more than ever. He’s blabbing and talking baby jargon but it’s music to my working ears. Rather than act in frustration by throwing and aggression, he now talks and signs a heck of a lot more which is great to see as his mother that works extremely hard, day in and day out. He’s speaking a lot clearer with his colors, items he sees, foods he’s eating, people he names. For those that have been waiting long and hard or have already passed that point, know the feeling. The never ending upward mountain climb that seems like we’ll never get to the top. And not to say that we are currently at the top but we’ve certainly conquered an extremely steep slope. He’s eating better, speaking better, communicating better, picking up words, sounds, and attitude is so much better. We have a new LJ guys for 2011.

I am happy where we are and pray and continue to work hard …..it’s nothing but UP from here on out. I want nothing but good but better even best if possible and everything seems possible at this time. Only time will tell if we’ve made the decisions in 2010 for the best and have faith that 2011 grants our wishes.

Words that Lucas says:

apple = clearly
banana = ahnana
grape = signs
green = signs and speaks (gween)
purple = purpur
red = eeehhhhhhhhhhhd with some umpphh
yellow = yeyoww
tv = not too happy he even knows the word but he signs and speaks tb
chair = both
car = both
door = both
up = both
down =both
the list goes on…….

He does say the alphabet together with me [because he is used to being prompted] but he has difficulty with consistently saying F, K, Q, W. I’m not sure what to do with gutteral sounds where we can work on him using those specific areas in his mouth. He counts up to 10 because he cannot pronounce anything higher than that LOL

Oh and the best that makes us continuously smile, mickey mouse, elmo, dog….he’s slowly displaying imaginative play and that was a mild concern to me that he does not read emotions or have imagination….he surprises me EVERY single DAY. Gotta love the boy!

We are not quite there yet with getting back into the groove of things. This is our first week back in school. He finally found his way into the chair but NOT without resistance. He still ventures out to his usual places in the big play room. Only time will tell when his autism therapy starts and his FULL, FULL schedule begins, will we find out if all this schedule is too much for him or just a transition period.

This year is jam packed of things going on. Transition meeting for IEP, Autism therapy beginning, and the daily development of our ever growing boy. I hope I continue to have the momentum of advocating to the best of my ability for him especially for the IEP in hopes that he gets everything that is “appropriate”.

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